Character is not separable from physical form but is governed by it. 性格和外表是分不开的,而且观其形知其性。
Eg. they may reappear in physical form, or through your thoughts, feelings and dreams. 他们可能会出现在你面前,或出现在你的思想,感情和梦想中。
Having material or physical form or substance. 具有物质或者身体的形式、实质。
Physical evidence existing in physical form capable of providing testimony for audit items; 以实物形态存在并证明审计事项的实物证据;
A physical description of the material, including its color and physical form. 物理性质的描述,包括颜色和物理形态。
I intend to consume only those species hosting agreements to sustain my physical form, including fish and fruits, nuts and vegetables. 我打算只消耗那些与保持我肉体形式有协议的物种,包括鱼和水果,坚果和蔬菜。
Increasingly, the programmer's logical data request is translated to physical form by a database management system. 用数据库管理系统把程序员的逻辑数据请求转换成物理形式是越来越广泛采用的一种方法。
Although she easily slays his physical form, Sargeras'spirit secretly enters Aegwynn's body and hibernates inside of her. 尽管他轻易的杀死了萨格拉斯的肉身,但萨格拉斯的灵魂借机进入了艾格文的身体并潜伏下来。
Characterized by metamorphosis or change in physical form or substance. 具有变形的、外观改变的或本质改变的特征的。
Tao based creations are mastered in the understanding that you are a creator as a human in physical form; and your creation is associated with the biology and the life dance and dream. 在理解到,你作为一个物质形体中的人类是一名造物者,而你的造物就是你的生物体以及你的生活舞蹈及梦想之后,基于道的造物就得到掌握。
A media format is the physical form in which a message is incorporated and displayed. 媒体格式就是组成信息和显示信息的物理格式。
A major focus will be on the physical form of cities from downtown and inner-city to suburb and edge city and the processes that shape them. 主要着重于城市的物质形态从闹市区和城区到郊区和边缘城市及其塑造过程。
By pre-birth contract, you agreed to stuff your individuated soul into this physical form. 在生前契约中,你同意你的灵魂个体进入到这个物质形式。
Each lighted being incarnate on this planet, carries a hidden chip within the physical form, and these computers keep track of where you are at all times. 地球上的每个光之存有的肉体,在物理形态里携带了一个隐藏光环,这些计算机保存了你一直以来所有的痕迹。
They came from Mars, the Pleiades and Sirius-projecting into physical form on Earth. 他们来自火星,昴宿星和天狼星&在地球进入物理形态。
It is entering into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence. 它进入我的肉体,渗透到我身体内在的每个地方。
Free from a body or physical form or reality. 脱离肉体或躯壳或现实。
Suitability of format or physical form for library use and as user demand dictates, based on universal criteria established in this policy. 表格格式或身体是否适合图书馆使用和用户需求为法则,基于通用标准确立这一政策。
Tangible assets: Assets that have physical form, such as plant and equipment opposite of intangible assets. 有形资产:工厂和设备等有具体形状的资产。与无形资产相对。
To make an urban landscape is much different from to make a physical form, a high invested building or square, or a good art physical form isn't equal to a successful urban landscape. 塑造城市景观和城市的物质形态是有着重要区别的,高投资的建筑或广场,或者具有艺术特征的城市形态并不就等于一个成功的城市景观。
The space between is equivalent to the space surrounding the cells in the physical form. 两极空间等同于物理形态中细胞的周围空间。
In the real world, an object does what it can do as a result of its physical form and its connections with other physical objects. 在现实世界里,一个对象能做什么取决于其物理形式和它与其他物理对象之间的联系。
I need to clarify what I meant about my physical form. 我需要澄清一下什么是我的肉体形式。
On the one hand, wiring should represent logical data dependencies; on the other hand, it should be show in an easily comprehended physical form. 连线作为数据流可视化语言编辑器的重要组成部分,一方面要表示逻辑上的数据依赖关系,另一方面自身要以容易理解的物理形式展示出来。
How do physical form and institutions vary from city to city and how are these differences significant? 物质形态及习俗是如何使一个城市区别于另一城市的,这些区别有何意义?
This union connects the discipline of thinking with the discipline of making, the discovery of known quantities and ideas in physical form and material properties. 这种结合将思想结合创造、对已知的量和观点(以物质的形式)的探索、以及材料的特性。
Second, the physical form of extraterrestrial species reflects human attitudes toward species on Earth. 第二,外星人的外形反映出人类对于地球物种的态度。
This divinity may be in a tangible physical form or a more abstract energy form. 这些神祗或者有着切实的物质形态,另一些则更像是一种抽象的能量形式。
A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure, relating the behavior of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization. 动物学的一个长期目的是从结构中推断功能,把一个组织体的行为与其物理结构和细胞组成联系起来。
There is only one user experience, and it comes from the combination of the physical form and the interactive behavior of the product. 用户体验只有一个,同时受到产品物理形式和交互行为这两方面的影响。